Reproduction Period

The moulting period is over. Hopefully, the care in this period has been good enough. I recently saw the pigeons from a pigeon fancier who had only given treatment because he not wanted them to get fat in the moulting period. You could see it at the feathers. But there was more wrong with these pigeons. The feathers did not look top at all. Moulting is and remains a period during which the birds have to be rich with good protein in order to optimize the structure of the feathers.

In the breeding season you want to get the fertility as high as possible. To get to that point, one provides wheat germ oil due to the high content of vitamin E. It is to be recommended. Moreover, products that contain natural vitamin E contain more types of vitamin E than the artificial products with vitamin E. These typically contain only one variant of the tocopherols. This can cause all intents and purposes a relative deficiency of other forms of vitamin E occur. Undesirable. So choose when giving vitamin E compositions for a natural variant. Wheat germ oil is a good choice.


As for the worms I will limit myself to the worm species that occur in these regions. The most common worms in pigeons are the roundworm and her so called Nematodes. Roundworms are the tapeworm belonging to the Cestodes and the pigeon bone belonging to the trematodes (flukes).
Worm Infections be established regularly. What strikes me is that when I am invited for the first time, by an association, to come investigate the pigeons on location, there are often several lovers with worms. Especially when the control takes place after the season. The mutual infection usually is also high in the baskets. We often find that the performance level of the whole society can be disappointing when this occurs. Although usually more is going on, the number of infections can be brought back drastically. Worm eggs can survive for a long time, in and out of the loft. Therefore, it is always advisable to do regular manure testing when there is a worm infection.

In this newsletters we focus on Roundworms.

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Did you know....

That vaccination against Paratyphus only makes sense when there is a decent plan of approach? This means performing vaccinations minimally 2 times a year. The first time preferably 2 times with 3 weeks in between.